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I watched a video

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:30 am
by JoeNolasco
Yeah not *that* kind of video, you sickos!

I was cruising around youtube and I stumbled across an electric indoor event with Gernot and some other guys I've never heard of. While I was watching I remembered when I took a break from flying about 7-8 years ago flying 4D indoor was just becoming a "thing", now it seems pretty much standard equipment 'eh?

Anyway, of course Gernot's performance crushed everything else I saw except for this one bit of flying by a guy named Maxime (I think?)

It's towards the end of the video right after 2:10, the reverse ascending rolls! Anyway, I thought it was cool and figured I'd share... :D

Re: I watched a video

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:44 am
by Joe Hunt
Very good flying, but to me, they'll always be just foamies! haha Fly a 40% in there, that would be cool! haha

Re: I watched a video

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:36 pm
by Joe Hunt
Speaking of videos... how the hell did this baby live through this?